26 Jan 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
School starts for our kindergarten students this Friday and for all other students next Monday. The bell to begin the school day rings at 8:55am. All students should be in their classroom by then. This means that students should be at school by 8:45am if they want to have a short catch up with their friends. School finishes at 3pm and we have the same hours for all students.
COVID restrictions are still in place however, there are small allowances for the first few days of school.
For kindergarten parents: for the first week of term 1, two adults may walk their kinder child to their classroom, drop their child off with the teacher and leave the school grounds promptly. There is to be no entry to the classroom.
For years 1 & 2 students, two adults may walk their child into the school grounds and drop them off. This will be in place for the first three days of term 1. Adults will not be allowed to be near other children and will have to leave the school grounds promptly.
Years 3-6 students are to enter the school on their own.
All adults who enter the school are to use the Service NSW COVID check in app. Staff will be on duty at gates 4 and 6 for you to show that you have checked in and you will be given sanitiser for your hands.
For adults who are walking their kinder child to their classroom, you will also have your temperature taken.
All students will be sent home with a slip which will have their class name and teacher’s/teachers’ name for your reference.
For the afternoon pick up, only 4 gates will now be open: gates 2, 4, 5 & 6. Let your child know where you will collect them. If you think they might forget, write it on their hand or put a piece of paper with the information in their lunchbox or in their pocket. Please do not phone the office and ask the office staff to call the classroom to pass on the message. Students and teachers cannot be interrupted from their important learning unless it is an emergency.
Students should be in full school uniform including black school shoes and have a school hat in their bag so they can play on the play equipment, the Rhonda Pastor playground, the quiet area and on the oval.
Uniform orders can be collected from the office and can be ordered via email to: skooluniforms168@gmail.com
All visitors to the office must also check in with the COVID app and complete the visitors DoE COVID paperwork or alternatively, the office staff can bring out your order to the front gate.
We are looking forward to a great year of learning and are excited to soon see our students back at school.
Kylie Donovan