Hoxton Park Public School

Excellence, Innovation, Opportunity, Success

Telephone02 9607 0005


Rules and policies

Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.

Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.

Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.

Attendance and absences

Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.

In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent and remain in school, employment or training until they turn 17.

For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:

Late arrivals/early leavers

All students who arrive late for school (after 9am) must be accompanied to the office by their parent or caregiver to obtain a 'late arrival' pass which is then given to the class teacher and recorded in the attendance roll.

Parents or caregivers wishing to collect their child before normal finishing time (3pm) must collect an 'early leavers' pass from the office to give to the child's teacher and sign the office book. The attendance roll will be marked accordingly.

School frameworks (school rules)

As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.

At Hoxton Park Public School, we endeavour to create an inclusive, safe and secure environment, free of disruption, harassment, discrimination and negative behaviours. We will maintain a high standard of discipline across all grades in all learning experiences both on and off site. Download the school's Behaviour Support and Management Plan  for more information.

Students are expected to complete homework and participate in activities assigned to them whilst using their time wisely for each and every task. Please see the Homework Guide for suggestions about work that can be done at home.

All staff are required to undertake the initial child protection induction and annually update their professional learning. Download the protecting and supporting children and young people policy (PDF 2406KB), for more information in regards to the actions being undertaken to protect your children. 

At Hoxton Park Public School we believe that sport, when presented and organised effectively, will be an important educational and developmental area which will offer benefits to both the individual and to society as a whole. Download the sport policy (PDF 75KB) for further information in regards to what comes from participating in school sports at Hoxton Park Public School.

The increasing occurrence of skin cancer in Australia is a matter of concern for the whole community, especially schools. Download the sun protection policy (PDF 38KB) for more information about how to protect your child's skin. 

How our students present themselves reflects on the pride and passion that we have for our school. Our school uniform policy outlines the attire that our students are expected to wear.

School rules

School rules are designed to ensure a safe and friendly environment for all students. They are part of the school's student welfare policy and should be adhered to by all students. There are consequences when rules are broken and rewards when rules are kept. The school encourages safety, courtesy and respect at all times.

School philosophy

Students need to at all times:

  • be safe
  • be kind
  • try their hardest.

All students will:

  • follow teachers' instructions
  • stay in bounds
  • behave cooperatively and safely
  • be polite at all times
  • respect the property of others
  • care for the school environment.

Parents are encouraged to contact class teachers and/or theassistant principal if they have any concerns regarding school procedures or playground behaviour matters.

Playground rules

The Kindergarten to Year 6 playground operates with all students having equal access to designated playing areas. There are a few areas, which are out of bounds for safety reasons. The main active play area is located on the oval and passive play areas are available in the shade under the covered outdoor learning area (COLA). The concrete areas are for passive or small ball play only.

Students are strongly encouraged to wear sun screen and the maroon school hat when outdoors. No other hat is acceptable.